Carer support progammes and support groups
If you are providing direct care to someone with a life limiting illness, we offer a variety of programmes and support groups for you.
Our manaaki programmes, support groups and workshops provide companionship, community connection, advice and support for carers.
A helpful resource is the Hospice Guide for Carers - a resource developed by Hospice New Zealand that helps answer some of the questions or issues that might come up for you.
We’ll meet with you and talk about the services we offer, and how we can best meet your needs.
Hospice Wairarapa services are available free of charge to all those with life limiting illness in Wairarapa, including whānau and carers. Our services are provided in a safe, compassionate and supportive environment.
Other services we offer
Our supportive care is tailored to individual physical, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs and these factors are taken into account to help optimise the quality of life for our clients.
The other services and resources available to you include:
Social support for clients and whānau.
Wairuatanga (spiritual care) to support holistic wellbeing.
Counselling and grief support for clients, carers and whānau groups.
In-home support through our care companion programme.
Hauora including complementary therapies and treatments.
Manaaki programmes, groups and workshops for companionship, community connection, advice and support.
Other services such as biography writing and recording life stories.
Resources and where to go for further information.
Please don't hesitate to call or contact us if you have any questions about our services or the support we offer.